Wednesday, August 02, 2006

jobless wonder

Now I am unemployed, and so far it's been pretty depressing. Anyhoo, I went out last night to spend some of the money I don't have, so getting up today was a task. Needless to say the evening left me crunkasaurus-wrecked, and awoke with the taste of two hotdogs and three candy bars on my tongue. Of course there was a crumpled lottery ticket on my bedside table and I was laying in a sheetless bed-- it's those little things you do to lower your self-respect that really matter in the end.
Well, I'd say that technically I've only been on the job front for a day, so maybe I shouldn't beat myself up about it. Today I watched Raging Bull, made a salad with dressing, and now I'm cleaning my room. That's some productivity. Yea what did you do today? Wake up early and go to work? I'll drink to that.