Thursday, May 04, 2006

This is What Happened to Me this Morning!

Today I walked out the house to see my car was the only one parked on the near side of the street. Of course I had forgotten to move last night, because that's what I do. I am supposed to do stuff, and I forget to do that stuff.

Anyway, so I go back into the apartment to get the keys, and I tried to ignore the fact that I woke up about an hour too late and smelled like a horse due to lack of bathing. Back at the car, I turned the key in the ignition and nothing happend. I proceed to slam my head against the steering wheel in a fit of pure rage.

I sat there for a couple of mintues sulking and deciding whether to leave the car there or shoot myself in the face. Then I noticed that the car was left in drive by my brother Pete when he last drove it, and the car only starts when it's in park.

I drove away and parked my car on what google murder maps shows as a hot bed of killin's. What did I learn from this escapade? Nothing, I learned nothing.