Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Le Lilliputiafication de Mon Dignitay

Me: "And here's your check, thank you so much!"
Fat Texan: "Thank you son! Hey, are those eyes blue or green?"
Me: "They're usually blue, but you know, it depends on the color of my bow-tie."
Fat Texan: "Oh! Are you on drugs?!"
Me: "Not yet sir!"

Me: "So, is there anything else I can get for you today?"
Old Beast: "No, but now let me ask you something: when do you get to graduate from the bow-tie to the real tie?"
Me: "Well madame, it actually works the other way around; those gentlemen in the 'real ties' are the bus boys."
Old Beast: "Oh! Well in that case, congratulations!"
Me: "Well thank you! I tied it myself!"
Old Beast: "I'll have some more decaf. And you can take these plates away."


Unknown said...

Firstly, that portly fellow is on to something as digestive biscuits may be the finest of the bland sawdustesque cookie, a genre I especially appreciate.
Secondly, can you even believe that a dog this cute exists? I mean he is smiling and wearing people accessories, can you even believe it.