Monday, February 09, 2009


We here at reagnomicsyall would like to take a moment to address a very serious issue afflictingfar too many in this cruel world. A blog-shattering phenomenon which results in a clash of personal universees, and often causes permanent damage to a blog-artisan(s). Of course we are speaking of the unintended discovery of one's blog by their grandmother. Made worse perhaps, by the unheard of grandmother-created counter-blog, which has the apparent aim of completely freaking-out said blogster. 

This should never happen to anyone, and so we beg you to not reveal the newest and improved blogaddress to anyone who might give it to my older relatives.


Anonymous said...

Please post a link to the grandmother created counter blog. It must be a gem of a blog, and far superior to the resurrection of this old piece of self deprecating blogginess. If the grandmother created counter blog truly exists a link should be shared with all.

Jimbo said...