Thursday, February 05, 2009

Ladies Love Cool Wade

A lil heads up to la corte suprema:
Today, at le restaurant of my discontent, a sweaty-browed lawyer fellow fully solved the abortion issue for me, where no one else has been able to. 
"A life is a life, is a life, and I am so opposed to that thing, [(that which we do not name)], that it makes me freakin' sick! Ughh."

His non-wet companions, apparently sensing the crack of genius and wanting him to elaborate, asked if would ever be willing to talk about the issue with someone of a pro-choice viewpoint. 
He says "Listen! Would you sit down and have a discussion with someone who thought it was okay to go into someone else's house and take a [poo*] on their face? Would you? I said, would you ever..." And he stated this concrete comparison a few more times, at increasing volumes and bac levels.

Actually, he repeated this j'acusery just enough times to leave any rational or otherly-mentally-situated person up poofaced creek without an argumenting paddle. It was the dopeness. I hid in the coffee room with Javier.

(*A little censorship; he did, in fact, drop the 'shit' bomb here.)