Monday, November 20, 2006

jingle jangle jingle

Today I had a sweet, sweet memory cross my mind. It was from a time in the not-so-distant past, though I am a world away from there right now. I'm not sure what made me think of it, but the memory was of me, at my last job, a paralegal at a law firm.

It lasted for about a week and a half. The crazy old clients, who called me incessantly about filling out one simple legal form or another, kept saying that my phone was broken. They would call and call and also call, but would barely ever get through to me. Aside from the complaining--typical of the old ones--the phenomenon also came to my attention because I was receiving an incredibly relaxing dearth of calls during the day.

All around me phones rang and pariahs legaled, but I just kicked it in the cube, filling out crossword puzzles which brought the simultaneous rewards of brain stimulationo, and an exorbitant/fully wasted $19 an hour.

As tech services usually only addresses problems that they are aware of, the phone troubles went unrepaired. My coworkers soon picked up on it, suggested fixing it numerous times, and sent me emails with tone that explained that they were receiving calls from my clients.

But it had allowed me to decend to a new level of slacking, and was truly a glorious gift.

In the end, the receptionist got hip to my flimflamery due to the repeated incidents of her imploring me, via loud-speaker, to pick up calls that she was unsuccessfully attempting to forward me. But you know what? It is better to have loafed and lost, than to never have had your soul dangled in front of your eyes for a fleeting second before it's recrushed by the job that you always dreamed of never having.