Wednesday, November 01, 2006

holy ham grail

So get this, last night I get home from valeting [not sic] and what do I find in the fridge but a veritable stockpile of Taylor Ham. Pork roll that gold...jersey jambon...mmmmm.

Yes, it was purchased by Pete. And yes, the great quantity was due to Pete's valid fear that the Food Bazaar (our supermarket) might sell out of it, and fail to restock, as the Bazaar is a never-satisfying mistress.

Pete's excitement upon spotting the pork roll in the market's meat troughs was also pretty legit, as this rare delicacy is typically only found in New Jersey and the dingier regions of Pennsylvania.

At any rate, Pork roll, for the lay eater, is a delectable amalgamation of select portions of the lesser-edible scraps found on the floor of a pig butchery. It's a little like a bologna-sized hotdog, but less nutritious. Yea, and if you think about it, Taylor is a pretty progressive company, so they probably aren't all close-minded about which animals make it into the roll, or what the squares call "meat quality standards."

Though some would be put-off by such a description; on Pete's guarantee, one taste will have you hooked and buying such stockpiles for ages to come. Yum.


Anonymous said...

Jamis - Once again you have made my day with your witty storytelling. Look out, Uncle Remus.

In Baltimore we call that "scrapple." Scrapple, however, comes in brick form and is seasoned to perfection. My father is a scrapple connoisseur, while my mother, being from Chicago, is revolted by the entire idea. For more information you can direct your attention to: