Friday, September 08, 2006


At any rate, the other night I went to a bar about 15 blocks away from the apt. A pretty bon nuit I'd say, but I'd also say that I really blew it at the bar's mini-golf course, losing miserably to a couple of lady friends. Worse things have happened in a night--and actually did, that night. Thats right kids, gather 'round for a tale of how I once again did something categorically stupid, though a bit of a twist in the plot knickers makes the the delicious ends justify the idiotic means.

Leaving the bar in an especially beer-buying kind of mood I decided to do just that at a little bodega nearby. On my way out of the store I was approached by a soft-spoken fella who, in his first sentence, descibed the difficulty with which a man, with two prior felony charges, finds a job. I guess I just ignored the convicted felon part of his spiel, because the next thing I know, we're walking down the street together talking about joblessness.

We then start jibberjabbin about where he is staying, and it turns out it's in a park near my place, so I said "let's share a cab!" As we rolled on back to Bed-Sty, the conversation turned to people getting robbed, and just then I realized the possible negative outcomes of getting in a cab with a stranger. A homeless, felonious stranger. At the same time, he reached into his man purse and started pulling something out, at which point I began to regret my choices a little more.

To my glorious surprise, in the stead of some kind of hurting/robbing implement, he out pulled a big bottle of Polish beer! That he was giving to me! Apparently it was beer tthat someone, thinking they'd cut out the middle man, bought him instead of giving him money. Ahh, but my homeless friend was not a drinker, and wanted nothing of it. Also, he had a bag of cotton candy and gave me that as well! Then he got out of the car, and I says: "Thanks for the beer and candy, you didn't have to do that." to which he replied:"Well, you didn't have to do what you did."

This just goes to show that even when you think beer and candy are going to make you feel good; a foolish and irresponsibly good deed done for your fellow man can make you feel just that much better.

And needless to say, the rest of the night was just delicious.