Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I think today I'll share a couple of delicious recipes that Pete and I recently made in our kitchen, which also happens to be bitchin. It all started with an ingenious combo of two of america'smost favorite comestibles: beer and chicken. I know what you're thinking, and unfortunately, no, they haven't come up with some magical chicken-flavored beer yet; the technology just isn't there. But a close substitute while the scientists get their act together is what we made. Please see figure 1
fig. 1

Actually it's really easy: open beer. Shove beer up appropriate hole in chicken. Cook at tree-fity for a buck and a quarter, and then eat dat bird. Honestly the most succulent chicken I have ever tasted. That's right, succulent.
Inspired by this gastronomic ghetto-blaster, Pete remembered another obscure receipe, and quickly found the full details on a Coca-Cola website. He then proceeded to bake an entire ham in a giant pan of Coke, pineapple juice, cherry pie filling, and love. One might say, "Hell, that mixture sounds friggin awesome, even without the ham. Get me some fritos and let's go to town!" But no, when a ham is baked in this swirling pool of the dreams of small children, it turns into the most amazing thing you've tasted since your own tears of joy after watching oksana's long program routine in lillehammer.