I was in the park the other day. I was relaxing as i am wont to do; but this sort of chilling was especially inclusive of illing. Anyhoo, at one pointI swung my head about to survey the luscious mid-brooklyn greenage, when what do I see and cellphone-cam, but this dapper fellow doing stretches on the grass nearby:
Hard to make it out, but yes, he is wearing a bandana on his scraggly long hair. Oh yea, also a bright yellow g-string.
After feeling mildly disgusted by the scene, and sort of laugning about it, I took a step back from my own self. And what should I see but a sweaty, smelly guy on a bench, newspapers scattered all about, shoes off, coffee spilled all over shirt, black and white cookie smeared on face.
I also left it completely unedited, so as to remain true to its original stupidity and adhere to my steadfast policy of laziness.
i think the b & w cookie shmearings might have the g-string beat. baby jimbo was pretty witty too... i definitely laugned.
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