Tuesday, September 19, 2006

are you saying "boo" or "Boo-ush?"

Well skip to my lou, this morning brought me another job interview, though I guess it wasn't really to get a job as much as it was to talk about the idea of what getting a job would be like. really productive stuff. Anyway, so I was en route to the rendezvous pointe, when whose intended path should I cross but that of good ol' git-r-dun Bush.

I know, totally. Here I was jaunting along like a yankee goddamn doodle dandy who has 20 minutes to walk all of two blocks, when slam went the police gates, and I was completely stuck staring at this jerk's shmancy hotel and his milliards of sunglassed security peeps.

So the buzzcut boys then told us it will only be a couple of minutes. Fine, I told myself, I have time to spare, and I guess I have never had the opportunity to personally make obscene gestures at the guy, though yelling at the teevee screen has been pretty fun in the past. Right, so thirty agonizing minutes later, and dumb ass Dubs still hadn't left the hotel, and they still wouldn't let us move. I was not pleased, and even less not sweaty.

And somehow I was only sort of amused by the assertion made by the crazy old homeless man standing behind me that Bush was "probly up there in his goddamn room watchin' goddamn reruns of classic episodes of Sportscenter." Of course, to this the faux-lice repeated the 'couple more minutes' line, which only made crazy old homeless man scream louder about the "really important delivery" he had to make on the next block.

I finally left and found that they started letting people cross the street on the next block, so I made it to my "interview" with negative 35 minutes to spare. It's entirely possible that there are more deserving fish to fry with this guy, but I am really considering writing him a letter about this inconsiderate behavior.
(His probable expression directed towards me from his prez suite windows. What a jerk.)